From our most recent assignment in 2014 find enclosed the Training Course "Performance Measurement in the Province Hainan of China": AdobePDF

See further a proposal for the application of the "CAF Model for the Human Resources Division in the Province Hainan of China": AdobePDF


At the end of 2000 we had finalized a major project of reorganisation at the Turkish Chamber of Industries lasting for 3 years. My experiences and episodes in the Turkey have been summarized in My time in TurkeyAdobePDF

For a graphical representation of our approach and the results download the following document: AdobePDF


We have repeated this approach in other projects of organisational development over the years.

Further publications in the context of institutional development can be provided either free of cost or on a charge basis upon request. The following publication just serves as an example: AdobePDF


Have also a look at our publication list.